Bland is beautiful. Data-center operators like their structures to be boring and anonymous like this one - Equinix's in Secaucus, N.J. |
Everything is backed up. The Uniterruptible Power Supply backs up electric power. These batteries at Equinix's New Jersey center help back up the UPS.
Uninterruptible Power Supply gear at a Yahoo data center conditions electricity as it comes into the data center, and if power fails, keeps the center running until the generators kick in. |
Spools of wire in Yahoo's signature colors, purple and yellow.
Concrete pipes, some 14 inches in diameter, handle the flow of water at AT&T's data center.
Servers at AT&T's data center in Ashburn, Va., are linked together - and to the outside world - by cables and wires. |
Most servers are stacked in racks such as these at the AT&T data center in Virginia. |
A water tank at AT&T's data center in Ashburn, Va. To keep the data center cool, AT&T continuously pumps 13.5 million gallons of water a day. |
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