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UFO Flies Over Ica and Huatyara

Engineers in Antapite Captured Image Showing Silvery Object

Cordova-Huatyara/Pablo Mamani Quispe

In the Huaytara Highlands on the border between Ica and Huancavelica, a group of engineers performing work for mining company Antapite managed to take a photo of an Unidentified Flying Object, commonly known as a UFO. As can be seen in the image, it was a silvery object that stands out against a clear blue sky and contrasts with the area's topography. Accoridng to Luis Alberto Villar Perez, identified with DNi 3057454, the photo was taken on September 22 from the Jatun Orcco mining project in the localities of Palmacancha, Huarpo and San Migel in the peasant district of Santiago de Chocorvos. The area is located at 4,300 meters above sea level in the province of Huaytara, Huancavelica. Said photos were taken by Wilber Manrique, a geologist from BISA Ingenieros.

"At the moment I took the photo, I didn't see anything strange at all. Rather, I was focusing on capturing the area of the demolition," recalls Manrique, adding that his digital camera's screen is small. "A load of material came out and I took several phots, a total of 12 images in a period of 4 to 5 minutes, with 20-30 second intervals."

From the place where the images were taken to where the place where the demolition blasts were taking place, there is a distance of 1300 meters, between the Leila Seam Trench 1 and the Luisa Seam Trench 2. "At that time I neither felt nor saw anything strange. Inspecting the images on 9/23 at 7 a.m., I was startled to find a UFO upon downloading the photos," he added. Wilber Manrique was in the company of Ing. Nestor Ccasa, Anthony Gomez and others.

(translation (c) 2006, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Alex Sender)


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